
The world tree and its root network.

  1. Introduction/Exposition: A family of squirrels lives in a very large tree. This very old tree is home to hundreds of thousands of species. It's a city, and the squirrels have a nice home in one hole.
  2. Inciting Incident: One of the squirrels friends is a mouse that works on the root network. The root network is what keeps the tree alive and healthy. The mouse tells the squirrel that the roots are mysteriously dying. The mouse tells the squirrels they should leave.
  3. Rising Action: The squirrel begins investigating and as he does more and more animals in the tree get scared as they learn of the impending doom.
  4. Climax: The squirrel finds an ancient book in the library that says this has happened before. The tree can recover.
  5. Falling Action:
  6. Resolution/Denouement: