
The Light Collective

In the fall of 2025, five Americans started at the University of Greenwich, in London, England. Their studies were different, but met each other in an English class, and became friends over their love of Sculpture, Electronics, Graffiti, and Post-Punk Rock. Other Americans in London blend into other culture groups, as the United States has much less of a defined culture compared to other nations coming into London for school and work. These five though made their own social group, and became fast friends.

Their third year, Luna proposed a project to Chris, James, Cindy and Sylvia. They had been experimenting with low power light sculptures. They presented four sculptures, all smaller than a meter cubed. Luna wanted the crew to build a series of these, and then present them at an art show. How cool would that be? The crew was ecstatic, and dove into the project. Over the next six months they turned out fifty sculptures, all different sizes, shapes, and colors. Some of the sculptures ran on batterys, but most needed to be plugged into the wall.

They shopped their collection around to galleries, not knowing how the art world worked, and were quickly rejected or ignored. Frustrated, they struggled with what to do with the sculptures. Defeated, the sculptures were in piles and boxes. Unlit goblin faces and blue Pikachus collecting dust under beds and on tables. Cindy posted photos and videos of her favorites to various social networks, but got no traction. Sylvia started an Etsy store where she sold a couple, but in general, nothing happened, and the project slowly slid from the crew's mind.

James invited them all over for a board game night one evening, with a surprise in mind. One by one, they arrived, and all stood shocked outside his building. There, in the alley, was one of their sculptures. Floating on the wall was the surprise: a glowing green polygon unicorn, emerging from a broken surveillance camera. James saw the four of them dumbfounded from his second-story window, and came down.

"It is using the camera's power!" James exclaimed with glee.

Everyone started getting giddy as they went upstairs to enjoy beer and board games. Chris in his excitement, proposed the turning point: "lets put our sculptures all over the city!"

With that simple proclamation, the gang started a slow but effective project. Over two years, they slowly replaced hundreds of security cameras across the city.

It was a hit.

  1. Introduction/Exposition:
  2. Inciting Incident:
  3. Rising Action:
  4. Climax:
  5. Falling Action:
  6. Resolution/Denouement: